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Wisconsin-based hobbyists with a passion for exploring and investigating America's many myths & legends.


     We are a loose collection of friends who have found enjoyment in the study of the paranormal & esoteric, doing so with no charge. This might be the ghostie that haunts your home, the cryptid that stalks your forests, flying saucers abducting your cattle, or maybe even a location where the natural laws of our universe seem to be altered. We group all of these under the umbrella term of "anomalies." We are Myth Hunters in pursuit of the thrill of exploration & knowledge. We study the very legends that have captivated the minds of many, having the distinct honor of learning far more than most people ever will. We are comprised of individuals of varying faiths or lack thereof; mostly Pagans. This is worth noting because our members may engage in rituals relative to their religion. Usually to feel protected, but communicative necromancy & attempts to put the anomaly to rest are not out of the question. That being said, we as an organization are secular. Our reports are fact-based, with any inclusion of less-than-factual evidence being denoted as such.

What makes us different?

     Our fact-based method and organized approach immediately differentiate us from many ghost hunters who've fallen into the trap of confirmation bias. We believe we distinguish ourselves further in the following ways; (1) we intend to utilize experts on a relatively routine basis to explain what we may not be able to, (2) our Head Archivist has years of experience preparing fact-based court-ready reports which'll be reflected in the form of an Anomaly Report at the end of the study, and (3) our team is encouraged to become experts on any tool they use, being particularly knowledgeable of its fallibility and mitigation tactics. By the end of our study, we believe you'll be impressed with how thorough we've been and we'll be happy with the fun we had along the way.

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